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Water Purification

During our September 2021 trip to Uganda, there were many moments that were orchestrated by God. There were opportunities to share the hope of Christ with people that were hopeless and there were situations where Jesus followers needed some words of encouragement. There were other times when we knew God was in control and we were simply along for the ride.

In 2014, we were trained by New Life International to produce “safe” water for communities that don’t have access to drinking water.  We have since installed seven systems in Honduras over a two year period. In Uganda, we installed a system at a school that houses approximately 700 students.

The purifying system utilizes 1/3 of a cup of salt and the “Machine” breaks down the chemicals into a form that can generate 10,000 gallons of safe drinking water.  The top tank is 1,300 gallons that we use to mix into safe water and then transfer to the lower tank which is 2,100 gallons for distribution.  We trained two young men on how to build, operate and maintain the system, they were both very excited to learn the processes and grateful to be involved with providing safe water for the students.

There are 8 faucets that allow the students to get drinking water.  Many of the students have not been receiving enough safe water to drink, which has led to several outbreaks of typhoid fever. 

The structure that contains the water tanks has been painted with Bible Scriptures that refer to water.  John 7:37-38, Mark 9:41, Matthew 10:42, John 6:35 and John 4:13-14 were painted as a reminder for the students, staff and visitors that Jesus, our living water, is where we need to place our hope and life.    

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