Farming God’s Way provides sustainable farming practices that help the poor increase their food production for their families and also helps to free them from the yoke of poverty. Malnutrition in children in Africa is extremely high. Farming God’s Way helps reduce malnutrition in these areas and it also opens the door for God to provide spiritual nourishment to the people as well.
A group of farmers in the Ugandan village of Kiwoko, have implemented Farming God’s Way practices. Recently, one of the farmers, Frank, was working in his garden beside a busy road. A person passing by stopped and asked Frank what kind of farming he was doing? Frank told the man that it was called Farming God’s Way.
The Muslim man introduced himself and said that he had never heard of Farming God’s Way. Frank gave the man an overview of Farming God’s Way and the Technology, Management and Biblical Keys. The professor became very interested and opened up about his own farming operation. He shared with Frank that he has farmers on his land but they are about to give up and quit because their yields continue to decrease each year. The man said that he would like for them to try Farming God’s Way.
Frank committed to introduce this man to the Farming God’s Way teachers and help these farmers try Farming God’s Way before they give up on farming. God is using this method of farming to open the door to those who don’t know Him so He can provide them with better physical nourishment, but most importantly spiritual nourishment and a personal relationship with his son Jesus!
What can we say but GOD IS SO GOOD!
In His Name just returned from coordinating a trip to Honduras for Lifeline with a team from Okolona Christian Church. What a blessing it was to FINALLY be back with our dear brothers and sisters in Honduras after such a long time! It was so wonderful to see their faithfulness in the midst of hurricanes, the pandemic and more. These dear folks are such great examples of servanthood to us all. God provided many opportunities for sharing God's Word, medical, dental and eye glass clinics.
We are so thankful!
God opened several new doors during our trip to Uganda in February 2022. One was at the Kiwoko School of Nursing / Midwifery. We were able to share in conversation with their Principal (Dean) of Nursing, Sarah. They have 242 students who are housed at the school. We are currently in communication of how IHN may partner with the school to encourage and assist in the students learning, while sharing the gospel with them and their community.A second open door was at the Kiwoko Hospital and its need for a safe, water source. There is very limited safe, drinking water at the campus. The small source serves over 650 students and staff which does not include any patients or their families. There is no safe water source for them at the hospital. The water from the faucets are not safe for drinking. The patients’ family must provide water and food for them. That may be hard to understand, but what a bountiful blessing we have in our healthcare. The healthcare providers in Uganda are loving and some of the most hospitable people I’ve met. They are doing much with very little resources. We are praying that God will use IHN to make a difference by meeting needs and thus sharing the gospel.
We excitedly anticipate returning to Honduras soon! We have missed our Honduran family and look forward to reuniting with them to serve. So much has happened in the almost three years since we were there. The covid pandemic with its destruction and recurrence and then, two hurricanes. Our Honduran brothers and sisters have persevered and continued to serve. The Ocotillo medical clinic stepped out into the community to meet needs when other clinics closed their doors. We are humbled to be able to serve with those who put Jesus first and the well-being of others above themselves. Lord willing, we will see you soon!
From Bill Meacham / IHN Agriculture Ministry:
We just returned from our third mission trip to Uganda. In His Name is partnering with Passion Christian Ministries (PCM) to help provide health care for the poor and for children with malnutrition issues. We are also working with PCM to help provide agriculture education to the farmers in the villages.
The agriculture focus of our recent trip began the implementation of ‘Farming God’s Way’ in the villages and to train the trainers. ‘Farming God’s Way’ is a bible based method of farming that began in South Africa. It incorporates 6 Biblical Keys with 4 Management Keys and 5 Technology Keys. It teaches farmers how to come out of poverty with what God has put in their hands. It also teaches farmers that the first step to this journey out of poverty begins in their heart with a relationship with Jesus!
I have had the pleasure of working alongside Mr. Wence (Senior Teacher) while in Uganda. He is one of the top agriculture teachers in Uganda and leads Passion’s Agriculture Ministry.
For centuries, Uganda has been one of the most poverty-stricken countries in Africa with low standards of living, high levels of undernourishment, high infant mortality rates, diseases and poor education. 80% of the farmers struggle to produce enough food to feed their own family.
However, Uganda has great resources and potential from an agriculture perspective. They have good soils with excellent yield potential. They get good annual rainfall and their climate is ideal for growing crops. Being located on the equator gives them the ability to grow crops year around. Uganda has been referred to as the “Bread Basket” of Africa.
I am extremely excited to see how God is going to use ‘Farming God’s Way’ to change agriculture production in Uganda! To learn more about Farming God’s Way, check out the link below.
From Cheryl:
As we departed from Uganda, in the quiet, calm of the bus ride, I was reminded of what a mighty God we serve! My heart and mind are overflowing with all He has done and is doing in Uganda and through In His Name and through your prayers and support! As we all continue this journey may God alone receive the glory and praise for that which is done!
From Laura Carter / IHN Eyeglass Ministry:
Everyone I know in the USA that needs readers, has at least half a dozen pairs placed strategically around them. In Uganda, people will walk miles and wait all day in hopes of receiving a pair of readers or glasses so they can read their Bible or see to do craft projects.
The thing that always gets me most is when I am struggling to find a match for a young person who really needs glasses. Every time I am at a loss and I pray “Lord you knew this child would be here today for glasses. Please help me find them a match.” The next pair I try is exactly what they need! My heart melts when they say, “I can see!!!” When I tell them that “JESUS sent me here to give these to you today.” You can just see the HOPE in their eyes.
The Lord continues to open doors for IN HIS NAME to reach the lost through the eyeglass ministry. This past year, the Lord reopened a door that I walked through several years ago for Honduras. A man from Louisville named, Dick Clark, has spent the last 15 years or so working with the Ugandan people to make eyeglasses available in remote villages. I contacted him after the January 2021 trip to see how he did ministry and to see if I could duplicate it. He gave me so much info I couldn’t write it down fast enough. I called Cheryl after our discussion and said, “You won’t believe how God is opening doors for the eyeglasses ministry.” Of course, she said, “Oh, yes I will!” We walked through those wide-open doors and worked with a few of Dick’s contacts in Kiwoko and Jinga and saw the Lord do what ONLY HE CAN DO.
We serve an AMAZING GOD and it is my honor to be used by Him to serve the people of Uganda.
Is God calling you to GO or to SEND?
IN HIS NAME is now taking applications for our August 2022 Uganda Mission Trip.
This trip will include Medical, Dental, Eyeglass, Agriculture, Teaching and whatever other opportunities God puts before us. We are looking for those who have expertise in these fields but also for ANYONE who feels a calling to go. There are so many ways to serve. You’ll get on the job training! Following Jesus is the greatest adventure you’ll ever experience.
Application/Expectations and Backgrounds Check are found at the bottom of the OUR MINISTRY page. Applications are due by 1/31/22. Notifications will be made in February. Our first team meeting will be in March 2022.
Prior to the trip in August, the team will do a book study, fast, pray, have a team building day and a service day to prepare our hearts and minds to serve Him as a team.
For further details contact Cheryl Leathers at
Matthew 28:19-20 “Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
We jokingly say that God started IHN around the kitchen table but now we feel He has moved us to the dining room! What an awesome God we serve!
God has blown us away on every level. He is sending people, opportunities for the Gospel and more—"more than we could ask or imagine.” We are just holding on and keeping our eyes fixed on Him. If He is sending these opportunities, we know He will provide the means to accomplish them. As God began putting these things in front of us, the IHN team took a day of fasting and prayer for God’s direction and discernment on how to proceed. As usual, He has more than answered our prayers.
Here are some highlights:
We are partnering with two other ministries to fully fund the Malnutrition Clinic in Uganda for a year. We thank God for allowing us to be a part of saving malnourished babies while feeding their moms/caregivers the Gospel!
“Farming God’s Way” in Uganda has grown! Thanks to Bill Meacham’s hard work, the Gospel is also being planted with the farmers. What a spiritual harvest we pray it will bring!
God has sent some wonderful folks to partner with IHN this year. Jeanne Meacham retired from her career as a business executive and is now helping us navigate insurance and travel legalese and more. She is a huge blessing!
God also called Kim White, a nurse practitioner who has traveled with us to Honduras many times. Kim just received her PhD and wants to use it in missions. Pray for direction for IHN and Kim. God has also connected IHN to three nursing colleges here in Kentucky as well as a nursing school in Uganda. We’re not sure yet how this will all play out but it seems like God is setting something up.
Back in 2012 God connected us to a man who did an eyeglass ministry in Uganda. This man is now in his 80s and wants IHN to continue his eyeglass ministry! He has given IHN inventory, made connections for IHN to be trained on setting up an eye clinic. He may be in his 80s but he’s still on fire for the Lord and for helping people know Jesus!
Please pray for our Upcoming Trips:
- Uganda in February ’22 -- IHN agriculture and eyeglass team will head back to see the crop progress and to train for/set up the eyeglass clinic.
- Honduras in March ’22 IHN will coordinate a team to for Lifeline Christian Missions. We are so looking forward to seeing our dear brothers and sisters there!
This is just a short list of some of what God is doing.
We are thankful for your prayers and support throughout the years. Continue to pray for God’s guidance as we move ahead IN HIS NAME!
While traveling from village to village in Uganda in September ’21, the IHN team arrived at a church that outwardly and inwardly revealed a glimpse of what Heaven just might look like.
As we were entering the church, the excitement and enthusiasm was radiating off their faces. They were so kind and hospitable to us, listening intently to everything we had to say and share with them. Afterward, we were standing outside talking with some of the leaders. When suddenly we heard clapping and singing in an upbeat, rhythmic tempo. Several of the ladies, dressed in beautiful bright colors, had gathered in a circle dancing and singing praises to God!
I stood off at a distance and watched with amazement at the way they showed their love for God. For me, the highlight of the trip! ---Greg