And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
We jokingly say that God started IHN around the kitchen table but now we feel He has moved us to the dining room! What an awesome God we serve!
God has blown us away on every level. He is sending people, opportunities for the Gospel and more—"more than we could ask or imagine.” We are just holding on and keeping our eyes fixed on Him. If He is sending these opportunities, we know He will provide the means to accomplish them. As God began putting these things in front of us, the IHN team took a day of fasting and prayer for God’s direction and discernment on how to proceed. As usual, He has more than answered our prayers.
Here are some highlights:
We are partnering with two other ministries to fully fund the Malnutrition Clinic in Uganda for a year. We thank God for allowing us to be a part of saving malnourished babies while feeding their moms/caregivers the Gospel!
“Farming God’s Way” in Uganda has grown! Thanks to Bill Meacham’s hard work, the Gospel is also being planted with the farmers. What a spiritual harvest we pray it will bring!
God has sent some wonderful folks to partner with IHN this year. Jeanne Meacham retired from her career as a business executive and is now helping us navigate insurance and travel legalese and more. She is a huge blessing!
God also called Kim White, a nurse practitioner who has traveled with us to Honduras many times. Kim just received her PhD and wants to use it in missions. Pray for direction for IHN and Kim. God has also connected IHN to three nursing colleges here in Kentucky as well as a nursing school in Uganda. We’re not sure yet how this will all play out but it seems like God is setting something up.
Back in 2012 God connected us to a man who did an eyeglass ministry in Uganda. This man is now in his 80s and wants IHN to continue his eyeglass ministry! He has given IHN inventory, made connections for IHN to be trained on setting up an eye clinic. He may be in his 80s but he’s still on fire for the Lord and for helping people know Jesus!
Please pray for our Upcoming Trips:
- Uganda in February ’22 -- IHN agriculture and eyeglass team will head back to see the crop progress and to train for/set up the eyeglass clinic.
- Honduras in March ’22 IHN will coordinate a team to for Lifeline Christian Missions. We are so looking forward to seeing our dear brothers and sisters there!
This is just a short list of some of what God is doing.
We are thankful for your prayers and support throughout the years. Continue to pray for God’s guidance as we move ahead IN HIS NAME!